7 years as a Dev with Absolutely nothing in my Bank account to show for it.

7 years as a Dev with Absolutely nothing in my Bank account to show for it.

"Sam, With the Knowledge you have in tech since I have known you from ss2 ( 2017 ), you should be a Millionaire by Now ( Feb 2023 ), What went Wrong" - victor and multiple Friends( CourseMate & Classmate from Sec school )

How did I get into Tech?

I got into Tech as a Tech-Enthusiasts( Someone Who Loves Everything about Tech ), From My Childhood Days, I have been amazed by how tech products like Television, Phones, were made, Programed but was more into the Programming Aspects and how I can Hack into it. Lemme just say Anything Tech Gives me Joy.

But That wasn't Enough Knowledge for me, I spoilt a lot of Tech Products around the Age of 5-14, and was beaten but I had that Goat Spirit Then🤦‍♂️😂. I could remember in 2012 when my Dad brought a Smart Watch a friend from Uk Gave to Him in order to keep it Safe, Lemme not tell you the rest about that Sha because It wasn't a funny Experience o.

I was able to learn and Equip Myself With a lot of tech Skills due to my Inquisitive Nature and the wonders I Displayed to my Parents just Gave me a token for Data but to manage it then I had to purchase midnight Plans, my Parents must not know so I wouldn't sleep for the fear of missing the night, and at the same time I have to stay awake till 6 am but 7-9 am mum would wake me up so I had 3 hours sleep daily, but I never felt it, cause Codes was all I was worried about (It's was Actually not easy then, I mean the bills, My Parents are not Rich but average, And as time goes on mum understood on the sleep aspect and I wake up around 1 pm), But I was able to work on amazing Projects like:

  1. Hacked My Mum's Phone Using Kali-Linux:- I watched a lot of movies most especially Realistic Tech and Military Movies ( I am also a great fan of Kdrama, Hopefully, I have a beard so I won't be called a woman sha, just kidding🥰 ), I actually learned Hacking for close to 3½ Month, For me to pull a successful Social Engineering attack on my Mum, I had to learn Psychology so Books like ( How to Analyze People - Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language by James Williams, The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior by Joe Navarro, Banned Mind Control Techniques Unleashed: Learn The Dark Secrets Of Hypnosis, Manipulation by Daniel Smith and Many More. Before Studying these books, I actually visited the Dark web where I was able to see a lot of websites where you can buy and sell Humans, Weapons, and a lot of stuff that is not to be written down. I actually use Tor to torify my network ( Used a Virtual machine for my laptop then ). I actually created a fake website since I know my Mum loves New Fashion Styles and used the SETS tools on Kali-Linux to get her picture every 5 seconds, which she never Knew because she loved the new Fashion wears she was seeing that she didn't know when she accepted some requests she wasn't supposed to make. Guess I will make a dedicated video to show you step by step I used to build that. Technology Has Improved Their Security flaws, But Humans Hasn't.

  2. Face Recognition System with Python:- For this, I used OpenCV then, I suffered from Sleepless Nights, And it was during this period I Got a reply from David J. Malan Professor of Computer Science during the Early Stage of Covid-19 ( he replied to my comment on Youtube, But it's felt like as if Drake Followed me). I was later Given access to their Private Discord channel to join Harvard Computer Science's current 100L Students to fill my Inquisitive Taste in Computer Science( Couldn't join because of the Time Zone Difference and Outrageous Data Cost ). But regarding the project, I just stopped at where it was able to Identify a Face. StackOverflow, Youtube, Google, And Indian Gurus Saved my Life then.

David Malan Image

I Also Made a Serious Mistake of not uploading my codes to Github, But Not any Longer, As i would be creating a lot of projects.

What went Wrong?

A lot Went Wrong, I faced some Mental Trauma and Depression, and I over-Exposed Myself to a lot of theories about life, school, and Tech which happened due to my Over-Curiosity and as Someone who grew up indoors all through my Childhood had a Major Impact, and I also didn't have any Relative to talk to except my Parents so it's became hard get myself out of what I was putting myself into ( I would have met outsiders but since they didn't understand my past, I felt they were in no position to advise me properly, wait before you blamed my parents for that actions, their reasons were 100% Right and correct ), Lemme just stop Here. I guess I have a lot to complete in some aspects of this Article.

How do I intend to Fix It?

I discovered I need to focus on more things like creating content which I have always loved to do since 2017, but because of my Impostor Syndrome, I couldn't, and alongside conquers my introverted lifestyle. But what I feel I need to do more is focus on app development with Flutter, and during my leisure time create more digital products to sell as a side hustle. I know it's going to be hard but I do not mind at all.


During these 7 Years, I faced a lot of traumas that made me just woke up one day and Jump into the lagoons and end it all, But the thought of how my mum and my younger would feel afterward made me change my mind, now I want to be the best version of myself and focus on Flutter all through the End.

Expect part 2 of this article, which is the success story aspect, But for now let me focus on the journey and struggles.